WordPress 4.9.8 Maintenance Release
“We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of WordPress 4.9.8. This maintenance release fixes 46 bugs, enhancements and blessed tasks, including updating the Twenty Seventeen bundled theme…”
Official Gutenberg Information Site Updated with Interactive Frontend Demo
“The official Gutenberg information site has been updated to feature an interactive demo that can be manipulated on the frontend. It is based on Frontenberg, a site created by Tom Nowell, VIP Wrangler at Automattic. It loads an instance of WordPress with Gutenberg on the frontend so visitors don’t have to login or create a test site to try it…”
WordPress.com Partners with Pexels to Offer Diverse, Free Stock Photo Library
“WordPress.com has partnered with Pexels, a popular stock photo library, to offer convenient access to stock photos inside the post editor. Hundreds of high quality free stock photo sites have cropped up on the web over the past few years, but Pexels is differentiating itself with a commitment to hosting diversity-focused images and videos that represent a wide range of experiences…”
Who is going to win the Gutenberg Arms Race?
“2018 has been dominated by the Gutenberg editor – WordPress’ attempt to overhaul the user’s writing experience. This (of course) brings change to the platform. Consequently, developers are just beginning to embark on an ‘arms race’ to see who will get the upper hand with early adopters. This may seem like an inconsequential battle to partake in. To many, however, being first means the entire market is available. This means there’s more business to win, and a greater cash supply to tap into. For a lot of WordPress developers, those reasons are plenty of motivation…”
Gutenberg 3.4 Adds New Warning to Classic Editor When Editing Posts Containing Blocks
“In early July, the Gutenberg team froze new features on the plugin and shifted to focus on bugs, enhancements, compatibility, and API stability. An overview of the major functionality shipping in Gutenberg is available as a list on GitHub. Gutenberg 3.4 continues refinements on these features. In preparation for users switching back and forth between the new and old editors, this release adds a warning in the classic editor when users attempt to edit posts that contain blocks…”
WordPress Coding Standards 1.0.0 Released
“After nine years since the project began, version 1.0.0 of the WordPress Coding Standards is available for download. The WordPress Coding Standards is a collection of PHP_CodeSniffer rules or sniffs to validate code developed for WordPress. It ensures code quality and adherence to coding conventions, including the official WordPress Coding Standards…”
WordPress Developers: Learn How to Convert Shortcodes to Gutenberg Blocks
“Gutenberg contributor Gary Pendergast has published a handy sample plugin that demonstrates how to convert shortcode functionality to a Gutenberg block…”
Create Duplicate Content with Gutenberg
“Like all new user interfaces, it has its fans and its detractors. It always takes time to familiarise yourself with a new interface, and it’s tempting to reject the new version as a pale imitation of the old familiar one. Like many people reading this, I was skeptical of Gutenberg at first. I’ve been working with the old interface for a good few years now and it’s become familiar. But Gutenberg is growing on me. And it has one feature which has made me really sit up and take notice. A feature which, for my money, is worth installing Gutenberg for that feature alone. What’s that feature? It’s duplicate and shared blocks…”
Easy Digital Downloads Substantially Reduces Prices for Extension Passes
“Pippin Williamson, founder of Easy Digital Downloads, published an apology on the company’s blog today admitting that it made a mistake in its pricing model for extension passes. In mid-June, the company introduced a new set of pricing options or passes. The passes come with a single license that provide access to a group of extensions. After six weeks, Williamson noticed that customers were continuing to purchase individual extensions instead of the passes…”
Envato Elements – Template Kits (Beta)
“Install our plugin to browse the growing library of Template Kits. Each Kit is made up of multiple templates that work together visually, and are beautifully tailored for a specific niche. Once you find a template that you like, you can directly import it into your library, or use it to create a new page. Combine templates to create inspiring, quality websites in less time, with less effort…”
Introducing Woo Modules in UABB Version 1.10.0
“Today, I am happy to announce and introduce to you the most awaited Woo modules – a set of WooCommerce modules that come within the Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder version 1.10.0! This means that you can now create a beautiful looking online store using the unique and creative modules we offer to display your products and categories on your website…”
This is very cool! Browse to find the images that fit your needs and click to download. Take advantage of the on-the-fly color image generation to match your brand identity. FREE!
On the podcast today we have Zach Swinehart in the second of an, unexpectedly, two-part episode. We talked for so long that I decided...
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 13th March 2023.