129 - How Beaver Team can speed up your Beaver Builder WordPress website builds

May 23, 2019 00:44:12
129 - How Beaver Team can speed up your Beaver Builder WordPress website builds
WP Builds
129 - How Beaver Team can speed up your Beaver Builder WordPress website builds

May 23 2019 | 00:44:12


Show Notes

[spp-player url="https://episodes.castos.com/wpbuilds/wpbuilds-episode-129.mp3"]

In this episode:

Interview - How Beaver Team can speed up your Beaver Builder WordPress website builds with Tom Carless DEAL ALERT: Get 10% off  Beaver Team Pro - use the offer code "wpbuilds" Can we all agree by now that Page Builders are here to stay? They're no longer something on the fringe of WordPress, in fact, I'd say that they're key to many people and the way that they run their WordPress website agencies. We know that there are a few front runners in the Page Builder space, and that one of those is Beaver Builder. We've had the guys from Beaver Builder on the podcast a number of times (here and here), and we've created heaps of content around the ecosystem that has sprung up around Beaver Builder. The reason that a Beaver Builder ecosystem has sprung up is because the core plugin is not trying to do everything, and whilst Beaver Themer added a whole load of functionality a while back, there are still areas where 3rd party developers have jumped in to fill in the gaps. So there's Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder and PowerPack to name a few. Most 3rd party additions add some features, so it might be modules that allow you create your layouts with extra features, but Beaver Team takes a different approach to some extent. You see this add on is all about saving you time. If you're a frequent user of Beaver Builder, then you'll have noticed that you're repeating certain actions on a website build over and over again. This is not really a problem, because you've become familiar with the UI and have just got used to the fact that this is the way that it is. Well, Tom Carless, is a power user and he was not satisfied with the fact that he was using some of his precious time to repeat things that he know very well he could code out of existence! I'll give you an example... what if you wanted to change the settings of a module that you're using for your website layout. Well you can do that of course, but what it that same module is used over and over again on the website? You're going to have to track down all the places that you're using it and update them one at a time! This is a time suck, and with Beaver Team, you just update once and it updates in all the places that it's available on the website. You want another example don't you? What if you've deployed a website to live and the client suddenly comes back and says, you know that orange that we've been using, well the marketing department have just alter the brand colours and now it's blue. AAARRRrrrgggghhhh! You go off and find all the places that the orange is used and update them to the new blue. Then a week later you get a call to say that you've missed 14 areas of the site that you forgot about. Beaver Team will let you "find and replace" the orange with the blue, everywhere, with one click. It's great and I've used it! It's little things like that, little things that add up to a whole load of time and money saved. Now this podcast was recorded a few month back and so some of the features that we mention have been updated and a few things have been added or removed based upon how the core Beaver Builder Page Builder has evolved. The headline features right now are: It's a very cool project by a very nice guy and I hope that you go and check it out. Mentioned in this episode: Get 10% off  Beaver Team Pro - use the offer code "wpbuilds" Go check out a whole load more deals over at the WP Builds Deals Page.

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