202 - Matte v glossy screens

October 22, 2020 00:48:46
202 - Matte v glossy screens
WP Builds
202 - Matte v glossy screens

Oct 22 2020 | 00:48:46


Show Notes

[spp-player url="https://episodes.castos.com/wpbuilds/wpbuilds-episode-202.mp3"]

Debate with Nathan Wrigley and David Waumsley

Setting up the Debate

Nathan says 'Matte and Glossy' sound like a Las Vegas cabaret act so David's down for a quick win on this one!

This is a little bit of a sham debate as it is as silly as matte or gloss paper.

But some designers have a preference for one over the other and all of us who make websites probably need to consider that visitors may have vastly different experiences depending on what they use.

We have some confessions first:

Further reading which will educate you far better than this podcast!







The points in favour of glossy

The points in favour of matte (anti-glare)

Additional thoughts

If any of this has meant anything to you, or you have a comment, please leave on below, or find the thread in the WP Builds Facebook Group!

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