This is part of our A-Z of WordPress series (where we attempt to cover all the major aspects of building and maintaining sites with WordPress). Today it’s the letter G is for… Gutenberg (Goootenberg!)
To celebrate this Nathan has forced me to use a reusable (Gutenberg) block for the show notes!
I can report that it went well!!!! (Nathan wrote this regardless of how David coped!).
Yep… I’m thinking of a complete swap. Gutenberg for show notes and Google docs for client websites.
So for those of you have been busy (blissfully unaware) for the last 2-3 years. According to the repo entry for the plugin:
“Gutenberg” is a codename for a whole new paradigm in WordPress site building and publishing, that aims to revolutionize the entire publishing experience as much as Gutenberg did the printed word. Right now, the project is in the first phase of a four-phase process that will touch every piece of WordPress — Editing, Customization, Collaboration, and Multilingual — and is focused on a new editing experience, the block editor.
I would love it if all the things I expect in a Page Builder were natively in WordPress. It would bring everyone together. Today it is not even close to what I think my clients could handle, and for me I can’t see what the endgame is to even know if one day I should use it.
I am grateful to all who give their time to this. It is good to have another blog post editing option.
If it’s (what WordPress already calls it) a site builder, I think it is lacking and will not alone meet the needs of 2/3rd of WordPress users, but could cause issues for those who serve the rest.
I can’t think of revolutionary innovations that have come from corporate committee situations. My time in the civil service tells me they can’t innovate, but the are good at stability. In WordPress, I feel stability has gone. I don’t know what we get. The only thing is it is all open source
I think that the new Block Editor is far superior to the Classic Editor that we once had. I mainly use if for writing, and for that, I honestly think that it’s the best writing UI I’ve ever used, although I confess that I’ve not used all that many! The ability to move text around is just so very helpful, and ideas that you know are in the wrong place can be moved in a few clicks.
I think that it’s all about expectations and the fact that it’s been sold (intentionally or otherwise) as a possible Page Builder. Anyone can see that the third party Page Builders are better in almost all respects. They had a chance to finesse their products over many years, however they also came to market ready to go, which Gutenberg is not.
Automattic have some incredible goals for the project, and it’s being realised piece by piece. The problem that I foresee is that people want it to do all that it’s intended to do yesterday, which it won’t and they’re teaching their clients how to use third party Page Builder interfaces; and that’s going to be a really big hurdle to overcome, getting all those people to learn something new even though their current tools is working just fine!
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 15th April 2024. You can find the episode here:
[spp-player url=""] This weeks WordPress news - Covering The Week Commencing 8th October 2018: Gutenberg 4.0 RC 1 Released, Testing Ramps Up Amid Critical...