Hello, This is another A-Z of WordPress where we attempt to cover all the major aspects to building and maintaining sites with WP. Today is K for… Killer Tips
We are cheating with this, but it has been a while since our chats have featured the thoughts of the WP Builds Facebook group. Interestingly I looked at a few articles on top WP tips and I think our group covers all the major one mentioned elsewhere and more so yay us!
Tom Carless
When you upload a plugin that is already installed, WordPress lets you compare the versions and choose what to do.
Camo Jones
Uncheck the “discourage search engines” settings.
Didou Schol
Since WordPress 5.2 you can’t see the errors when you’re developing, or make mistakes when editing your functions.php.
To counter that David almost immediately turns on WP_DEBUG, but also WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER by setting the constants in wp-config.php
Colin Needham
David’s notes. One of my tips would be to concentrate on image file sizes. There is a trend at the moment on speed testing themes and page builders. The fast themes may only be loading 50kb less than the slowest. Optimise your images and you may lose 10 times that!
David McCan
Use a Starter Site – time saving.
Jay Ovens-Henig
Self plug for Admin Page Spider! Basically worth having a look around for WordPress navigation tools (David uses Beaver Builder’s Assistant)
Chantal Edouard-Betsy
Jay Ovens-Henig
David’s notes. Good to get client on the same page. http://www.5minutemarketingmakeover.com/video-1/ (Story Brand Donald Miller) and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtrieuSlhY (Watertight Marketing Bryony Thomas)
Brenda Malone
Peter Ingersoll
The Kinsta blog is one of his top WP resources https://kinsta.com/blog/
Also for blocks https://wordpress.org/plugins/find-my-blocks/
David Waumsley
https://www.w3schools.com/ (to see if I can avoid another plugin)
https://wpscan.com/ security
Colin AT
Have a lean stack, and master what you have.
Gen Herres
Never assume what the client says means what you think it means… Always really dig into the details of “expected behavior”.
Michelle Sullivan
Ulrik Kristiansen
Log everything that everyone is doing on yer bloody site.
David’s notes. There is https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-security-audit-log/ and Main WP child reports (a fork of https://wordpress.org/plugins/stream/)
Peter Ingersol
https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-history/ (this one makes sense when we talk about clients)
Sincere thanks to all of you who took part and submitted your thoughts, this was the easiest way to make a podcast, so we’ll be getting you guys to do all the work again at some point in the near future!
Today is a big day. It's episode #400 of the WP Builds podcast. This is an important milestone, and as suck I'm going to...
0.75x 1x 1.25x 1.5x 2x 0:00... WP Builds Newsletter #6 – It’s all numbers – PHP 7, WordPress 4.9.5, BuddyPress 10, Elementor 2 This...