Latest Episodes
147 - What does it mean to fail?
[spp-player url=""] Discussion - What does it mean to fail? When we recorded this we had the pithy title of "failing in business or...
WP Builds Newsletter #81 - Gutenberg 6.5, Automattic worth $3 billion and Google spying
[spp-player url=""] This weeks WordPress news - Covering The Week Commencing 16th September 2019: WordPress Core Gutenberg 6.5 Adds Experimental Block Directory Search to...
146 - Refining our website building process with James and Martin Coates
[spp-player url=""] Interview - Refining our website building process with James and Martin Coates Today is a bit of a departure for us at...
WP Builds Newsletter #80 - Chrome kills Gutenberg, plugin updates, deals and no likes
[spp-player url=""] This weeks WordPress news - Covering The Week Commencing 9th September 2019: WordPress Core Gutenberg Team Explores the Future of Full-Site Editing...
145 - Should we use templates more?
[spp-player url=""] Interview - Should we use templates more? Back in the good old days of the internet, when CSS was hardly a thought...
WP Builds Newsletter #79 - WordPress 5.3, project governance and RSS readers
[spp-player url=""] This weeks WordPress news - Covering The Week Commencing 2nd September 2019: WordPress Core WordPress 5.2.3 Security and Maintenance Release WordPress 5.3...