Latest Episodes
WP Builds Newsletter #63 - Gutenberg 5.7, Plugin updates and Windows Linux Kernel
[spp-player url=""] This weeks WordPress news - Covering The Week Commencing 13th May 2019: WordPress Core Gutenberg 5.7 Adds New Block Appender for Group...
128 - Getting content from clients
[spp-player url=""] In this episode: Interview - Getting content from clients. If you've building WordPress websites for clients for any length of time then...
WP Builds Newsletter #62 - WordPress 5.2, plugin news and dynamic emails
[spp-player url=""] This weeks WordPress news - Covering The Week Commencing 6th May 2019: WordPress Core WordPress 5.2 “Jaco”andWordPress 5.2 “Jaco” Released, Includes Fatal...
WP Builds Newsletter #61 - WordPress 5.2 RC2, WordCamp US and colour pictures
[spp-player url=""] This weeks WordPress news - Covering The Week Commencing 29th April 2019: WordPress Core WordPress 5.2 RC2 The Month in WordPress: April...
126 – Is web design dead?
Web design is dead. There's no doubt about it. The tools that we have now are so easy to use, there's literally zero barrier...
WP Builds Newsletter #60 - WordPress 5.2 pushed back, new icons and Thanos search
[spp-player url=""] This weeks WordPress news - Covering The Week Commencing 22nd April 2019: WordPress Core WordPress 5.2 Pushed Back to May 7, RC...