249 - 'U' is for Undo

September 30, 2021 00:59:06
249 - 'U' is for Undo
WP Builds
249 - 'U' is for Undo

Sep 30 2021 | 00:59:06


Show Notes


‘A-Z of WordPress’ with Nathan Wrigley and David Waumsley

Hello, it’s another A-Z of WordPress. The series where we attempt to cover all the major aspects of building and maintaining sites with WordPress. Today is for U  for Undo…


This is about common WordPress mistakes and how to get out of a pickle if things go wrong. With all the plugins, themes and community work in WordPress, it’s often surprising that any of it hangs together, and that WordPress websites even work at all… (even more so since the Gutenberg Project says David!). Yet, despite that, neither of us have really had any issues over the years. How can this be?

There’s certainly plenty of scope for things to go wrong on your WordPress website, and to go wrong badly, and that’s the subject of the podcast today. What can go wrong and how might you recover…

The stuff that goes wrong

Here’s some articles to kick us off. They explain some of the things that often go wrong with WordPress websites and how things might be fixed:



It boils down to this list, which we discuss in the podcast:

Good practice

Here’s some good ideas for preventing you needing to ever have to undo in the first place:

Cool Stuff

https://wpreset.com/ – a plugin which allows you to just start all over again!

Longer term issue prevention

So there you have it. A list of things that you never want to experience. What a great podcast! If you agree, or disagree, reach out in the comments below or in the WP Builds Facebook Group.

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